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Some URLs of Chrome for You to use Chrome Like a Pro | Google Chrome

Goggle Chrome is one of the most famous and widely used around the world. Due to its handy features and amazing experience it is loved by many of us. It has a bundle of features that are untouched from many of us. In this article, I am going to reveal some of them;

1] Chrome://safe-browsing
It continues a log and updates its database approximately all types of malware and suspicious websites. It’s just like the anti-virus definition we do on our desktop. However, for Chrome, Google keeps its database of malicious websites and malware.

It presentations records about the operating machine, Chrome’s model and aid for Portable Native Client. The Portable NaCl lets builders test their apps and website for ARM, x86 and different Machines in a sandbox.

3] Chrome://devices
It indicates well-matched devices that are connected to the PC. For me, it indicates a wireless printer that is related to my WiFi. You can take a look at yours too and configure accordingly. You can also add printer here [Chrome PC]

4] Chrome://network-errors
It’s a repository of all of the reaction pages when network errors occurs, while browsing the web. If you click on a particular error, it leads you to the response page.

5] Chrome://interventions-internals
It presentations few inner flags, high-quality of the network, logs of intervention and blocklist status. Here, developers can take a look at the intervention from scripts and outside servers.

6] Chrome://invalidations
It gives debug information about diverse provider handlers so that developers can do restoration. The carrier handlers are the number one component of Chrome, so the debug statistics considerably enable in quelling the bug, and helps developer to design accordingly.

7] Chrome://predictors
It lists all the possible key strings which can be used to predict websites. 

8] Chrome://password-manager-internals
It captures and shows logs of password supervisor in Chrome. The password manager has become a standard function of Chrome so having a log of occasions can help developers restoration the bugs. It also widely used by hackers and pentesters to check the security and other related issues.

It shows a list of blobs that are stored on Chrome. Blobs are essentially massive object facts which might be used to store snap shots and videos.

10] Chrome://crashes It continues a log of crashes that took place lately with Chrome. The crash reports are automatically sent to Google that allows you to debug the troubles. You can use this to prank your friends too.

It shows statistics approximately diverse web sites if they took gain of hardware acceleration. Further, it provides information approximately PC’s pictures driver and assist for Graphic APIs like Vulkan, Skia, WebGL, etc

It shows browsing history from all the gadgets where you use Chrome. You can clean the browsing records with only a click on the left pane. 

It helps you to get to numerous network settings like DNS, Proxy, Sockets and Domain Security Policy. This is widely used by the hackers around the world and also used by the pentesters.

It lists all of the websites and extensions jogging in Chrome with their frame statistics. It’s very similar to Task Manager’s technique tab. However, you can’t forcefully kill a system in Chrome.

This URL will open the google chrome’s iconic dinosaur game, Even when your internet is connected. What’s Your High score ? Comment down below


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