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* Why does the bank card number have #16 digits and what do these number

s mean? *

* 16 digits * on the card contains important information and * 6 digits

* The first is the bank identification number and specifies which bank issued the card.  By examining these * 6 digits *, programmers will recognize the card issuing bank. "Brought to you by the Dark Army.

* (Bank Identification Number) *

  they say.  This number for some banks is as follows:

Bank name

Bank                       Bank Code

     ----                       ---------

Chemical Bank                    1263

Marine Midland                   6207 [1207?]

Manufacturers Hanover Trust      1033

Citibank                         1035

Huntington                       1226

First Card Gold                  1286  

MBNA                             6017

Chase Manhatten                  1665

[ Bank from 5127 ]               1015

Capital Bank.                       6396

Future Bank.                         6362

City Bank.                            5028

The next two digits * (Figures 7 and 8) * specify the type of bank card.  Types of bank cards such as cash cards (bank cards connected to the account) or prepaid cards (such as debit cards, gift cards, and credit cards) have separate codes.

* 7 digits * Next * (Figures 9 to 15) * represents the serial number of the card, which is unique for each card.

The last digit (sixteenth digit) is * Check Digit * or the control digit. brought you by the Dark Army. This figure is used only to ensure that the correct * 15 digits * are entered correctly.  If one of the digits of the wrong serial number is entered, the presence of a control digit will prevent the money from being sent to the wrong destination.  This is done by verifying the number * 16 digits *.


The following is a list of ideas and facts that have been brought together for the sole purpose of educating those who lack this knowledge. Brought to you by the Dark Army.In writing this, I do not intend for the reader to use any information contained herein, but rather to further his/her own education and provoke thought to perhaps better the society we live in.

I. Card Types

 The first digit of the credit card number (henceforth referred to as CCN)determines the credit card type. A simple list might be:

First Digit of Credit Card

Card Type

         --------------------------              ---------

                   3                          American Express

                   4                                Visa

                   5                             Mastercard

                   6                              Discover

II. Bank and Branch Numbers

 Sample Credit Card: 1234 567 890 123 |

 Within the first group of numbers from the left [called Group 4] the Bank name and branch are contained. We have already discovered that the first digit of Group 4 reveals the card type.

 We will now look at how to decipher which bank issued the card, and which branch of the bank the actual cardholder banks at. 

Look at the Second, Third, and Fourth digits of Group 4. These three

numbers tell which bank issued the card. A small list follows this paragraph, although you can compile a list by yourself. Just glance at cards you get your hands on which the bank name is printed, and record the information.  

[ Editor's⚠️Note: This is a hard concept to explain, so let me give you an example. 

Let's say Bank of Dark Army group 4 Visa Credit Card reads 4560. (560 = Bank of Hicksville). BUT, 4561 is NOT necessarily Bank of Hicksville too.4561 could be the bank of what I am trying to get across is that the next bank in line doesn't HAVE to be 4570 -- it could be earlier in numbers.] 


 Group 4            Bank Name           

--------            ---------    

  4019              Bank of America              

  4024              Bank of America

  4052              First Cincinnati  

  4060              Navy Federal Credit Union 

  4128              Citibank             

  4131              State Street Bank

  4215              Marine Midland

  4225              Chase Manhattan  

  4231              Chase Lincoln First Classic

  4232              Chase Lincoln First Classic

  4241              Nat. Westminster Bank    

  4250              First Chicago Bank

  4271              Citibank Preferred

  4302              H.H.B.C.

  4310              Imperial Savings

  4317              Gold Dome  

  4387              Bank One             

  4428              Bank of Hoven

  4811              Bank of Hawaii

  4897              Village bank of Cincinnati


 Group 4            Bank Name 

---------           ---------

  5215              Marine Midland 

  5217              Manufacturers

  5233              Huntington Bank   

  5242              Chevy Chase Federal Savings

  5254              Bank of America

  5263              Chemical Bank              

  5273              Bank of America

  5286              Chase Lincoln First 

  5317              Norwest               

  5323              Bank of New York 

  5329              Maryland Bank NA (MBNA)    

  5410              Citibank Preferred        

  5411              1st Fin. bank of Omaha      

  5414              Nat. Westminester Bank

  5415              Colonial National Bank

  5424              Citibank                 

  5465              Chase Manhattan     

  5678              Marine Midland


Credit Card Verification 

Once you have a newly formulated or newly found Credit Card, Brought to you by Hackfreaks. you must first check to see if it is valid before you distribute or use it.

 The reason for this is this: Although you may not have faltered in your calculations, and you created a credit card following the correct formula, the card may turn up as invalid. This is because it has not been issued yet.

Visa or Mastercard has not issued that card to a customer yet. You are ahead of the credit card company. (Don't you feel important??!) If this case arises, simply formulate a new credit card from the original valid credit card, and check it once again. There is no known way around this except to wait. OKAY- you want to check your credit card and see how much money this person has. There are many, many credit verifiers around.

 The easiest way to get ahold of one is to go into any store which accepts credit cards and look on the side of the machine that imprints the carbons with the credit card number brought to you by Hackfreaks

Or, look right on the wall next to the register. There should be a number to call, a merchant number, and perhaps a bank number. Jot these down and head on home. The format for these is usually different, but all have the basic idea in mind. Call an operator of some sort, tell her the authorization information that she asks for (bank number, merchant number, etc), and give her the card and the amount for which to verify the card. She will check and let you know if it has enough credit left. Simple. BUT

 ⚠️********* ONE NOTE************⚠️

When you check a card for a certain amount of money, that amount of money is subtracted from the amount available on the card. For example, if a card has $5,000 left on it, and you get ahold of it and check it for $2,000, you can only spend $3,000 before it tells you that you don't have the necessary credit to go through with a transaction.

Credit Card Formats -------------------

 American Express -- xxxx xxxxxx xxxxx

 4 digits 6 digits 5 digits 

VISA -- xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx

 \_________________/ 4 digits each group

 OR -- xxxx xxx xxx xxx \/ \_________/ /

 3 digits each 4 digits Mastercard -- xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx \_________________/

 4 digits each group

 Discover -- xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx \_________________/ 4 digits each group

. APPENDIX B ---------- Credit Verifiers


Use '#' (pound) as a control key. Card Type: 10 = Mastercard 20 = Visa Bank Identification: 1067 Merchant Number(s): 1411 52 IDEA:: You all know those sex lines (like 800-666-LUST), well they verify your credit card before they let you listen. You might try calling one of these and using it for a while if you have nothing else.


Getting Credit Cards! 

Brought to you by the Dark Army. There are a number of ways through which you can get credit cards.

FIRST- Go trashing. That is, go in the back of a bank, department store (make sure it is not in a mall!), or other stores that accept credit cards. When the coast is clear, jump in their trash bin. Rummage around a bit. Having a lookout might prove to be wise. What you are looking for are carbons - the carbon paper which the salesperson throws out after a purchase has been made.

 Remember these? It is the device that guarantees you(a legit customer) get a receipt of your credit card purchase, and also that the store gets a copy for record-keeping. Once you find these, (and making sure you don't rip them) put them in a bag, pocket, whatever, and get somewhere safe. (home?) Hold them up to the light, and copy down everything you think is important.

 Card Number, expiration date, name, address, bank name, etc...Then BURN the carbons. This destroys all evidence that you ever had. From here, you are set. Order away! 

   SECOND- If you have a friend that works in a store that performs credit card transactions, you might save yourself the trouble of banana peels on your head and ask him/her if they might not mind slipping the carbons into a bag after they ring up a sale. (or have them copy everything down for you.) 
  THIRD- You might try bullshitting people and getting their cards. You have to be VERY good, and the person has to be VERY stupid for this to work. In my mind, it is a waste of time, and almost never works. (Because people, where I live, are smart, of course..) 
I am presenting this to you in case you live in a society of morons. Exploit every area that you possibly can. The conversation might go something like this:

YOU: "Hello, Mrs.Davis?This is Mr. Off from Security down at Citibank. We
have had a computer breakdown and no more of your VISA transactions can be
processed since we lost your credit card number. Do you think that you can give
me your number again, so I can re-enter it right now?"

Mrs. Davis: "Wait a minute, who is this again?"

YOU: "My name is Jack and I am from Citibank Security. (Explain whole
situation to her again)"

Mrs.Davis: "I don't know about this. Can I call you back at a number?"

YOU: "Sure. That's no problem. I understand your reluctance. Here.. call me at my office. It's 555-1212 (payphone, loop, or bridge which you are at)"
Mrs.Davis: "Ok, bye!"
YOU: "Hello? This is Jack's office, Citibank Security, may I help you?"

Mrs. Davis: "Oh, good. I was afraid you were a phony. Ok, my VISA is xxxx-xxx-xxx-xxx.."

YOU: "Thank you. We will try to restore your credit limit as soon as possible.
Until then, please refrain from trying to purchase merchandise on your Citibank
Visa Card. Goodbye."
Neat, huh?

 FOURTH - If are a really advanced Carder, you can get fancy and use a credit card formula. Great, you're saying to yourself. GIMME GIMME GIMME! Not so quick. Although several do exist, and I do have a couple of them, I am in a situation in which I am unable to reveal it. If you are particularly smart and intelligent, you can develop it yourself. Actually, it is not that hard if you have the means. MAYBE if you are good at math...  

FIFTH-  You may try to get credit cards from other people. (friends?) I
strongly recommend against this. Usually, the cards you get from other people have usually already been used and are either being watched or are already dead. 

SIXTH- If you have access to a Credit Union, you can call and "pull" someone else's account. (For instance, if you know someone's name and address, or social security, you can take a look at all of their loans and credit cards.)


Purchasing Merchandise: The Real Story

OKAY, now that you have a VALID #creditcard, you will most likely want to get some newly acquired merchandise.brought to you by Hackfreaks This is all fine and dandy, but if you don't know what you are doing, you can get yourself and most likely your friends in a LOT of trouble. 
* BLOW THE WHOLE SHOW !!!  !!!  !!!  !!!  !!!  !!!  !!!  !!!  !!!  !!!*

 OKAY, now that you have a VALID credit card, you will most likely want to
get some newly acquired merchandise. This is all fine and dandy, but if you
don't know what you are doing, you can get yourself and most likely your
friends in a LOT of trouble. 

*** BLOW THE WHOLE SHOW !!!  !!!  !!!  !!!  !!!  !!!  !!!  !!!  !!!  !!!***

  FIRST- Let me clarify something. When you order something over the phone, and
the person selling you the items wants to know the actual Cardholder's name,
address, phone number, etc, you DO NOT have to give him/her the correct
information. [UNLESS: You do have to give the person correct information if
they have an online connection to a credit record bureau such as CBI or TRW. In
this case, as they can verify everything that you say in a matter of moments,
just do your best, get a new card, and never order from this company again. I
will not lie to you: some companies do have this capability. But if you stick
with little bussinesses who need your money, you'll do fine. ] Bullshit your
way through. Or hire a social engineer to do it for you. You do not even have
to give the correct expiration date! Almost Any expiration date will work as
long as it is at least one month ahead of the current month and it is not TOO
far ahead in time so that it jumped over the actual expiration date. (ie, if
the current date is 10/89, give the expiration date 11/89 -- simple) The
company from which you are buying things can not verify the extra information
YOU give them until after the order has been processed and the package shipped.
They have to get in touch with a Credit Union, which will be discussed later on
in this summary, to verify it all. * ALL THAT THEY CAN VERIFY PRONTO IS THAT
MERCHANDISE YOU ARE PURCHASING. * My suggestion, however, is that you give them
the phone number of a pay phone near your house. [ Or, if you want to REALLY
make sure things go smoothly, give them the number of a direct dial VMB local
to the shipping address. ] If they want to call you back, FINE. Ask them to do
so between the hours of X pm and Y pm. And, just pitch tent at the phone for a
few hours a night. No problem. They will almost always call right back, since
they don't want to inconvenience their customer who happens to be buying $6,000
worth of computers at the time. Understand?

  SECOND- Where should I ask have them ship it to, you ask? Fret not, my little
friend in carding. Before you call and order your things, first go out and find
an abandoned house. These still work best. Either one that has been moved out
of, and no one has moved into yet. Or, if you can, find one that is REALLY
CAN FIND!) Jot down this address. This is referred to as a drop site. 
[ Ed. Note: if, and I say IF you can rent a mailbox, do so. Make sure they sign
for everything (UPS, etc) and bring some FAKE ID with you to open it up. Most
of the time, they will give you hastle, and verify EVERYTHING you give them. So
it is really not that easy to get one of these. At least try, though. ] OKAY,
give this address to the man or lady who is taking your order. Tell them this
is where you live. REMEMBER, they can not verify that you don't live there for
quite a while. They will send everything there. When the shipment comes (either
Overnight, Second Day, or whenever), pick it up (CASUALLY) and stroll home to
open your package. If it does not come, or if the salesperson gives you
trouble, don't worry. If it didn't come, it is because 1) It got intercepted by
the feds or 2) The company didn't process it because they did actually try to
verify your address, name, and phone number, thus delaying your shipment, but
saving themselves a lot of money. Just try another store until you find some
place that is easy to buy from.

  THIRD- I suggest that you do not furnish your household with carded items. It
is just not wise. Get a few things, if you like, and wait a little while. Sit
tight. When things cool down, you might want to get some more things. REMEMBER-
all things are good in proportion, but when you get out of that proportion (ie,
get greedy and order a new house) you will most definately get caught sometime
or another. Patience is the carder's best friend. (along, of course, with the
VISA formula... hehe)

  FOURTH- You have all heard it before. DON'T DISPLAY YOUR SPEICAL TALENT AT
SCHOOL, PARTIES, OR SOCIAL EVENTS. Not even to your best friends. ESPECIALLY
not to your best friends. They are the ones most likely to brag about you and
spread the word. This is the farthest thing from what you want. Keep it to
yourself, and if you must tell someone about it, either call Phone Sex, a
Bridge, or an Alaskan Operator. Those are your only choices, as no other carder
or phreak wants to hear about how good you actually are. 

  FIFTH- I wouldn't advise making a bussiness out of this, either. Sure, if you
want to get a few dollars for things you order (and that you don't want
anymore) sell it and keep the money. But its purely asinine to take "orders"
from people for money. And even if you don't want money. Keep in mind that
Credit Fraud IS a felony, and getting caught violating US Federal Laws is not a
fun experience to go through. Do you want to go to jail for 10 years, and never
again be able to get a good job because Joey down the street wanted to pay $10
for a new skateboard that retails for $75?? Thats what I thought. Your whole
goal in life, as long as you participate in the Underground Arts, is to keep a
low profile.
aurthor-vaibhav{Dark Army}


  1. I was searching for loan to sort out my bills& debts, then i saw comments about a programmed cloned ATM card that can be used to hack and withdraw money from any ATM machines around you . I doubted at first but thus decided to give it a try by contacting {} they responded with their guidelines on how the card works. I was assured that the card can withdraw $5,000 instant per day & was credited with $50,000 so i requested for one & paid the delivery fee to obtain the card, i was shocked to see the UPS agent in my resident with a parcel{card} i signed and went back inside and confirmed the card work's after the agent left. This is no doubts because i have the card & has made used of the card. This hackers are USA based hackers set out to help people with financial freedom!! Contact these email if you wants to get rich with this Via email whatsapp/t: +1(213)785-1553


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