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How to Guess any Password like Hackers Do | Password Cracking | Ethical Hacking |

In this article, I am going to tell you how Hackers and Crackers crack the password by Guessing. After reading this, you will be able to start think like a hacker. They use some methodologies while guessing and cracking passwords. So let's dive into it: 

1. Guess the most common passwords

At the end of every year, a list of the 25 most common passwords is released. These passwords are the easiest to guess and thus the most commonly hacked. Though you should avoid picking any of these passwords for yourself, try guessing from this list of passwords:
  • 123456@ 
  • 12345678 
  • abc123 
  • qwerty 
  • monkey 
  • letmein 
  • dragon 
  • baseball
  • iloveyou 
  • trustno1
  • 1234567 
  • sunshine 
  • master 
  • 123123 
  • welcome 
  • shadow 
  • Ashley 
  • football 
  • Jesus 
  • Michael 
  • ninja 
  • mypassword 
  • password1

2. Use some common password tricks 

Other than guessing the most obvious passwords, there are a some tricks that are used by hackers. They know, for example, that there's at least a 50% chance that a victim's password will have one or more vowels. Here are a few other tricks that you should know: If the password has a number in it, it will be usually be a I or a 2 and it will be at the end of the password. If there's a capital letter in the password, it will usually be at the beginning — often followed by a vowel.

3. See if the password has to meet any requirements

See if the password has to be a certain length (typically passwords have to be at least 6 characters long), and if it has to have at least one number or one symbol or a special character. If you're not sure, you can try setting up your own account at the site where you're trying to guess the password from, and you'll be told the requirements of the password. 

4. Ask for a hint

If the password has a "hint" option, then go through that. The hint question can be something like, "What is your mother's maiden name?" or "What is the name of your first pet?" These questions can help narrow down your guessing; though you may not know the name of the victim's first pet, you can guess from a number of pet names. Or, if you want to be extra sneaky, you can try to bring up first pets in a conversation with that person. 
The hint can narrow down your search quite a bit if you know some personal information about that person. For example, if the question is, "Where were you born?" you may already know the victim's birth state — or even his birth city. 

5. Guess personal names

Many people, and especially women, have personal names in their passwords. Most people wouldnt put their own names in a password, but you could try those anyway. Here are some other names to try when you're guessing a password: 
  • The name of the victim's significant other or spouse.
  •  The names of the victim's siblings.
  •  The name of the victim's current or favorite pet.
  •  The name of the victim's (especially a male's) favorite athlete.
  •  The victim's childhood nickname or current nickname. 

6. Guess the person's hobbies and interests

You can also guess a password by thinking of the victim's hobbies or interests. Here are some tricks to try: 
  • Try combining a man's favorite athlete with his favorite sport. For example: "Tigergolf' or "Kobebball." 
  • Guess the name of a woman's favorite TV show, or the name of a favorite character on that show. 
  • Guess the name of a person's favorite athletic hobby. If the person loves to swim, try "Swimmer" with some numbers after it. 

7. Guess important numbers

Many people use numbers in their password, indicating a date or a lucky number. Some people even make their whole password consist of numbers. You can try these numbers on their own, or add them to the end of one of the words that you guessed. Here are some ways to guess a person's password based on numbers.
  • Guess the person's birthday. For example, if the victim's birthday is 12 August 1998, type in "120898" or "12081998." 
  • Try the Victim's street address. 
  • The Victim's street address, such as 822, could be a part of the password. 
  • Try the Victim's lucky number. If the victim has been vocal about what his lucky number is, try it. If the victim played a sport, try his jersey number as part of the password! 
  • Try a part of the victim's phone number. 
  • Try the victim's graduating class from college or high school. 

8. Guess the Victim's favorite things. 

You can also guess the Victim's password by guessing from a number of the Victim's favorite things. Here are a few favorite things to try: 
  • The victim's favorite TV show. 
  • The victim's favorite movie. 
  • The victim's favorite food. 
  • The victim's favorite book.


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