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           How Hackers Hack Your Accounts Password & Ways To Avoid Being Hacked

Where was the last public place you visited that had Wi-Fi? These days, nearly every coffee shop, library, airport and hotel offer a way to access the internet from your cell phone or other mobile device. That means the information you have on your phone could be available to hackers in the area – unless you’ve taken steps to protect your data.

So these are the 6 tips below i am gonna say in this tutorial :

Exicted so lets get started !!

1. Don't access personal and financial data while using public WiFi:   

This may seem like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised how many people check their bank accounts or make purchases with a credit card while using public WiFi. It’s best to do those things on a secure connection.

The Dangers of Public WiFi - Digitalquill Ltd

2.Install Security Software Tools on Your Mobile Device:

Antivirus software and anti-malware software are not limited to computers only. You should use them on your mobile phones as well to protect your phone from hackers. When you surf online, different types of malware (like viruses, trojan horses, worms, etc.) can be installed on your device via malware loaded websites. Your device also might get infected through malicious email attachments or apps.

Security software not only detects and removes malware but also can warn you when you visit a bad site or download a malicious app. Some malware gets downloaded on your mobile without your notice. A good security program scans and notifies you every time something downloads to your device.


Best Android Antivirus And Mobile Security Apps | NexCheck

3.Keep Your Operating System and Other Software Up to Date:


Keep your mobile device’s operating system and apps as secure as possible through regular updates and patching. This means that you should install all of the latest updates as soon as they’re available.

            Always-Updated List of Phones That Will Get Android 11 — Release Dates &  Latest Rumors « Android :: Gadget Hacks

Some people have the misconception that updates are there only to tweak the software’s appearance and features. So, if they’re happy with the existing layout and functionalities of their OS or apps, they don’t bother with the updates. But what these users don’t understand is that updates have a huge impact on device security.


4. Be Judicious About What You Download and Install on Your Phone :

Not everything is as it appears. Be vigilant when installing apps or downloading images, videos, files, songs, email attachments, etc. from the internet. There are a few general rules of thumb to follow when downloading content from the internet:

Only Download Files from Well-Known, Reputable Websites

Scan all the files with your antivirus and antimalware programs before downloading them.

Do Your Homework

If you’re installing a new or unknown app, research the app publishers and read the customer reviews online. 70% of mobile fraud originates from malicious apps.

            Malware iPhone apps removed after evading App Store review - 9to5Mac

Check Your App Permissions

When you install an app, it will likely request access to some integral features of the device, such as a camera, email, contact list, photo gallery, location, etc. Carefully review each of those features and ask yourself, “does this app really need to access this particular feature”? For example, if you’re installing a food delivery app, it likely needs access to location tracking. But there’s likely no reason why it should require access to your email clients, phonebooks, files, and camera. Disallow!

6.Protect Yourself from SIM Swapping:


Nowadays, your phone number is your identity. So, what will you do to regain access to your phone number if your device gets lost or damaged? You’ll likely call your carrier company, ask for a replacement SIM card with the same phone number, and activate it on a new device. Sounds simple enough, right?

But cyber criminals know this process as well, and they use a method known as SIM swapping. Through SIM swapping, cyber criminals can steal your personal or financial data, login credentials, passwords, and other valuable data. So, what if one decides to call your phone provider while impersonating you?

                Can this simple smartphone hack empty your bank account? | NordVPN

Pro Tip: To protect yourself from unauthorized SIM swapping or number porting, set up a unique PIN or pass code with your mobile service provider. This would be a number that only you know that you have to use to access or make changes to your mobile account (including number/account porting to other devices).




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