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What Actually the Ethical Hacking is? | Ethical Hacking | Penetration Testing |


Every coin has two sides likewise Hacking. Hacking can be used to exploit other people or it can also be used to protect them from the Evils of Internet. So Hacking has two sides i.e, White Hat Hacking and Black Hat Hacking. The way to differentiate between them is Authorization. Authorization is the process of asking for approval from an Organization or a Company before Conducting any Tests or Attacks. The White Hat is the legal way of Hacking by obtaining approval from organization while the Black Hat is purely illegal. We are going to talk about White Hat Hacking in this article.

Disclaimer - This is for educational purpose only! Please don't try to exploit or harm other people as it may sends you behind the bars.

You may be thinking that these are the basic things which i know already but i started this course keeping those people in my mind who have zero knowledge about hacking! So Without further talking let's come to the point.

White Hat Hacking is also known as :

  • Penetration Testing
  • Pen Testing
  • Hacking
  • Ethical Hacking

Ethical Hacking is the deliberate penetration of the system for the purpose of identifying vulnerabilities or loopholes and assessing the safety of the organization or system. The Company or Organization employs the ethical hacker to hack the organization's structure or system. The Ethical Hacker is in charge of identifying the safety issues and vulnerabilities of the organization or a company. The Business Company gives permission to Ethical hacker to perform the necessary steps or activities to do his work.
An Ethical Hacker (a.k.a. The white Hat Hacker) is the highest safety professional. Ethical Hackers learn how to make and exploit vulnerabilities and weaknesses in different systems-just like a malicious hack (or the black hat hack). As a matter of fact, they both have the same skills; yet, the ethical hacker utilizes those skills in a legitimate, legal way to attempt to get vulnerabilities and change them before the bad guys can get there and try to break in. Aside from testing duties, moral hackers are linked with different obligations. The main purpose to copy the malicious hack in work and instead of exploiting these vulnerabilities for malicious intentions, seek countermeasures to shore up the organization's defenses.

Before Proceeding in this Course you must know some terminologies which will help you in this course. Dowload the pdf from the below link and read it. We shall explore more about Hacking in the upcoming Articles.

PDF - Download Here


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