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 Cross Site Scripting (XSS)

 What is cross site scripting?

XSS is a vulnerability that allows an attacker to inject javascript code into a page. So javascript is a programing language and using this vulnerability an attacker would be able to execute a code written in javascript into a website. It is a client-side language so when the code is executed it will be executed on the user but not on the server

Types of XSS vulnerability

  1. Persistent/Stored XSS
  2. Reflected XSS
  3. DOM based XSS
The Stored XSS will be stored in the database. So the code you injected will be stored into the database or into the page so every time any user visits that page the code will be executed 

Reflected XSS will be executed only when the target user runs a specific URL written by you 

The DOM based this code will be interpreted and run on the client-side without interacting with the webserver these are dangerous because web servers apply some sort of security and filtration to check XSS

Discovering XSS

So let's discuss how to discover these vulnerabilities 
Very similar to SQL injection, the way to do this is to browse through your target and try to inject any URL that looks similar to this 
whenever you see a URL with parameters, try to inject these parameters

Preventing XSS vulnerability

The way these vulnerabilities happen is because whenever a user enters something into a parameter that input is displayed into the HTML so it's treated as part of the page together if there is javascript in it then the code is executed. To prevent this exploit the best thing is to do try and minimize the usage of untrusted inputs and you can inspect the web page and change anything that you feel suspicious 


Author- K.Sai Kiran

Tricky Hash


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