Hey there, let's talk about how hackers sniff passwords. It's like spies listening in to steal secrets. Here's how they do it and what you can do to stay safe.
Imagine data packets as envelopes carrying sensitive information across the internet. Hackers use tools like Wireshark to capture these packets. It's like eavesdropping on a conversation. They often find plaintext passwords or authentication credentials in these packets, which they exploit to gain unauthorized access.
Another trick hackers use is ARP spoofing. They mess with the network system to redirect traffic through their devices. This way, they can intercept and grab passwords as they travel.
There's also something called a Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) attack. Hackers sneak in between your device and the server you're talking to. It's like someone jumping into your phone call. They can then see everything you send, including passwords.
To keep hackers out, use secure ways to send data, like HTTPS or VPNs. Keep sensitive stuff on separate networks. Install security alarms (Intrusion Detection Systems) to alert you if a hacker tries to sneak in. And always use strong passwords and have regular security checkups.
Want to see how password sniffing works in action? Check out our practical demonstration on Password Sniffing Using Wireshark to learn more and stay secure!
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